Life After…My Childhood

I am honoured that Sian, whom fellow bloggers may know from The Potty Mouthed Mummy, has chosen to share the story of her childhood here, in the first Life After… guest post. After reading her sad yet so beautifully told story, I desperately wanted to give her a huge hug. Thank you, Sian, for being so brave and for helping give hope to others.


Many a night in my childhood, I would awake in a cold sweat from a recurring nightmare. In the nightmare I would climb out of bed, peer over the banister and see a bag at the bottom of the stairs; one of those giant army green camping style bags. And I would know, he was back in our home again.

Some nights the nightmare would turn out to be real. As every time I had the nightmare I would wake up to check if it were indeed just a dream or if in some horrific way I had seen it coming.

He. My mother’s boyfriend.

My father left when I was five or so. Soon after my mum’s boyfriend, Paul, moved in.

He was much younger than my mother. So many people upon hearing what he had done would say to me, as a youngster, “Oh but he’s young”. As if age excuses it.

To my mum she believed I adored him. I put on a good show, as she loved him so much. When he was away she was a shell. Nothing I could do would please her. When he returned, my brother and I were almost invisible. She certainly wasn’t her best self while she was with him.

Days when she would forget to pick me up from school as they were in bed all day

Days when they wouldn’t care who heard or saw what they were doing…

Things like that haunt me, stay with me.

So, in a desperate plea to make my mum happy with me, to find some common ground with her, I acted like I loved him.

He was in our lives while I was 6-11 years old.

Sometimes I think of myself at that age, how much older I already was than everyone else.

A childhood lost.

Because the truth is, he hit me.

He would hit my brother and I viciously.

My mum would go to work and leave her unemployed boyfriend to care for us.

My brother and I were united, for once, in our fear and hatred of him. My brother, being older, was able to escape the house more. I do not blame him for that and to be honest, he wasn’t really aware how bad it was for me.

I remember playing out in our street with friends one day, the other children who lived doors away. I had to check in at an allotted time throughout the day. I remember checking my watch and seeing it was 2.04pm and running for home. My friends were shouting after me that it was in fact 1.04pm. But the fear was so ingrained in me that he might hurt me that I could only run home preparing to apologise for being 4 minutes late.

The most awful moment was one Christmas Day. I had been bought a Walkman and some version of “Now That’s What I Call Music”. I was listening to a Queen song and I remember feeling a little sad, recalling that Freddie Mercury had died the same year.

He saw my face, grabbed me and hauled me upstairs calling me ungrateful.

I was thrown into my bedroom.

He asked me why I was such a brat.

I tried to explain. But he would not listen.

He bit my lip and pulled me off the ground with the force of it.

He left deep purple marks in my lip, obvious to all.

My mum asked later what it was and on the spot I blamed the dog, who was later hit rather harshly. The guilt was unbearable as his yelps repeated in my head. And the irony of my mum protecting me, but against the wrong person.

Another time I was thrown down the stairs, I have no idea how nothing broke.

Eventually age 11, while he was away again, I told my mum what he had done to me, to my brother.

In my heart I believed she had known all along and was ignoring it.

But she did not.

She had no idea.

She wept, got drunk and ended it.

He was never seen again.

But it stays forever.

The secret behind my slightly, and ever present, serious yet sad face.

The way I have seemed 40 since age 10.

My quick temper, the one that makes me worry the same darkness in him has passed to me. I know I could never hurt Harrison like that, but I fear it nonetheless.

My quick to defend myself attitude; born through trying to stand up to him on many occasions. I remember him shouting at me once “Who do you think you are?” and I responded fiercely “Sian Johnston”. That one line stopped his raised hand in its tracks. Surprised perhaps.

My aversion to being held for too long. Due to seeing far too much intimacy as a young girl.

It would have been so easy to become someone who just stopped trying.

I could have been the girl who didn’t work at school.

The girl who slept with the boys too early.

The one who took drugs and lived on handouts.

That’s the obvious pattern for someone like me. I was told as much by teachers at school when they generalised about “certain types of people”.

People who are abused become abusers, they would say.

Criminals tend to come from a history of abuse, they would say.

As if they knew.

But instead, all I ever did was fight.

From that age, where he would hurt me, I began my love of getting lost in books. Escaping to worlds that were not my own. Which lead to a desire to learn, to read more, to be better and to actually escape my world.

I saved and put myself through University.

I got a degree. I got good grades. I got good jobs.

But the story doesn’t always end that way. Every time I see a girl in the news who was from the wrong side of the tracks, abused and has been arrested or worse, murdered. I always think of myself. Because I could have been her; I could have let myself fade away into nothing. Used my past as an excuse for so many things.

Now I have my husband, who knows all this past, who is so patient with me. Then of course there is my son, who I will never tell about this. He doesn’t need the burden of knowing how much I was hurt. He doesn’t need that darkness in his life.

My mum and I are now very close, the past will always be there. There isn’t a week that goes by when a memory doesn’t pop up in my head. But I try hard to push it away.

I try to focus on what I have now, my life after that childhood. Because thinking about it all too much, it hurts. It doesn’t feel like my life.

I wish it hadn’t been part of my life.

But in a way, it shaped me to be strong, determined and someone who never quits.

Which is truly the most perverse part of it all.


If you would like to share your Life After story, please get in touch

Headspace Perspective is Two: What I Have Learnt About Blogging

Today is my blog’s second birthday.

With an overwhelming desire to write but feeling a bit shy about getting published, dabbling in blogging was a perfect compromise. I got set up on WordPress in April 2013 and bought my own domain name. I was so proud of my own little space on the internet.

It is only really in the last year that my blog has really taken off. I’ve said it many times before and I shall say it again: I really wish the success of my blog was not due to the tragedy of Hugo’s death.

Hugo, hanging out in his incubator.

Hugo, hanging out in his incubator.

However, I am able to reflect that I have a lot to be proud of because I have been achieving my goals: raising awareness of baby loss, HELLP syndrome – not to mention showing off my gorgeous Hugo to the world.

Highlights of the past year include #HugosLegacy trending on his first birthday,  achieving my ambition of becoming a Huffington Post blogger, and making some wonderful friends.

To celebrate my blog’s second birthday, I thought I’d share with you some blogging tips I’ve learnt along the way:

Write from the heart

The posts that have had the biggest impact (whether in terms of feedback from readers and/or traffic) have been ones written directly from my heart. Some of them have been a bit scary to publish, but they have been cathartic, working out my feelings of grief. They are often the ones that readers have said have really helped them, which is the main point of blogging for me.

Follow your own path

Readers visit your blog because it’s yours, no one else’s. Say what you have to say, in the way you want to say it. Blog because you love writing, no matter what you are writing about.

By all means take inspiration from bloggers you admire, but trying to be something you’re not is not going to make you a happy blogger over the long term.

Promote your blog, and target those who can help you achieve your goals

Like most bloggers, I promote my posts on social media, and I’ll usually tag the main blogging networks too.

If the post is related to Hugo’s Legacy, I’ll also tweet key people and organisations who can help make sure the right people read them, whether that’s healthcare professionals or people who set policy. Twitter is a great way of networking with people it may otherwise be difficult to reach.

A recent post about breaking bad news was shared by palliative care professionals as far afield as Norway and Canada. I feel honoured that health care professionals have got in touch to say they have reflected on their practise as a result of my writing, and I am so proud that Hugo’s legacy is making a real difference.

You’ll never know unless you try

One day I decided to pitch to the Huffington Post, and was immensely proud to be snapped up straight away.

A little while before Baby Loss Awareness Week I got in touch with Mumsnet to ask if they would like a guest post – they did!

Be proactive: life is too short to hang around waiting to be discovered. The worst response you can get is a ‘no’. No one likes rejection, but there are worse things – such as regretting not trying in the first place.

I was proud that my first Huffington Post article made it to their front page.

I was proud that my first Huffington Post article made it to their front page.

You get out of the blogging community what you put in

On the whole the blogging community is a kind, supportive, loving bunch. I have made some wonderful friends from fellow bloggers. Just like in real life, you will get out what you put in. Show a genuine interest in others’ lives, provide support when needed, offer praise when deserved, and share posts you’ve enjoyed.

Remember, while there are as many reasons for blogging as there are stars in the sky, as I wrote about in The Bloggers Hierarchy of Needs we all share similar motivations:

The Bloggers' Hierarchy of Needs

The Bloggers’ Hierarchy of Needs

A little bit of kindness goes a long way

You don’t always have to agree with other bloggers, just like in real life. Debate is usually welcomed, provided it’s constructive. But don’t get personal. That’s just mean. If you don’t like what you’re reading, there’s a little ‘x’ in the corner of the browser that you can click that makes it go away.

Yes, things can be misinterpreted, but I’ve never understood why people go to an effort to be mean. I remember reading a detailed comment on someone else’s blog that questioned the point of their post – I thought the bigger question was what was the point of the comment?

My writing can always be improved

I love writing, and I am always striving to improve my skill. An effective way of refining your writing is to try new things. I love The Prompt, and Word of the Week because they have given me different things to explore that I am unlikely to have discovered otherwise.

If you’d like a bit of extra help to hone your writing, try a course. I did the Freelance Writing course at the London School of Journalism a few years ago- it’s online, you can go at your own pace. It’s inexpensive (as courses go), and you can pay in instalments.

The course helps you find your own style and voice, structure your writing (eliminate those epic paragraphs!), get your point across succinctly, and offers modules on things like pitching to editors and writing an effective review.

If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well

Anyone who wants to set up a blog should go for it. Your writing ability, spelling, and technical ability doesn’t matter. Everyone has the right to say what they want to say (within the normal caveats of it being ethical, legal, etc).

That said, it is well worth spending a bit of time and effort on it, especially if you want to get commissioned as a writer, or become a pro blogger.

For example, you can help make sure your readers hang around (and hopefully return!) if your theme has a clean layout, with simple navigation and text that is easy to read (swirly typefaces might look pretty but they are difficult to read).

Slouching Towards Thatcham, Pouting In Heels, Honest Mum, and You Baby Me Mummy have written some fabulous tips that expand on the points above.

Stats and rankings are just numbers

Stats, scores, and rankings do not correlate to your talent, your writing, or your worth as a person. There was a time during my darkest days of grief that I thought that.

Granted, stats and rankings can be a useful indicator of how well your blog is doing. There are so many other indicators that cannot be measured and put into a chart or graph: things like comments you have had from your readers to say your post has made their day, made them think, helped them realise they are not alone, or put in to words something they had been unable to do.

Stats and rankings do matter to me (I am passionate about promoting Hugo’s Legacy), but such comments are worth more. They make the effort worth it.

It’s worth remembering that your Tots ranking is relative to how other bloggers are doing. Potty Mouthed Mummy has a great guide to how the scores are worked out.

And finally…I would like to say a huge thank you to all my readers for their kindness, support and encouragement. You have all made a massive contribution to Hugo’s Legacy, and it means the world to me.

You Baby Me Mummy